READING: Read the
assigned poems and fill out a TPCASTT graphic organizer (HANDOUT) for ONE (1)
of the poems you read. Hand it in for participation credit.
Carl Sandburg: "Chicago" pg. 715-716
Wallace Stevens: pg. "The Snow Man" "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird" "Of Mere Being"
pg. 718-727
William Carlos Williams: "Danse Russe" "This is Just to Say" "The Red Wheelbarrow" pg. 728-729
Marianne Moore: "Poetry" "The Fish" pg. 760-764
to work on your first “choice” poem from page 1 of the packet and turn it in since it is due
today. Those of you who have turned in your
first poem should look through the packet and find a 2nd prompt assignment
that you like and begin working on that.