Wednesday, April 27, 2016



READING: Read the assigned poems and fill out a TPCASTT graphic organizer (HANDOUT) for ONE (1) of the poems you read. Hand it in for participation credit.

Carl Sandburg:  "Chicago"  pg. 715-716
Wallace Stevens: pg. "The Snow Man" "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird"  "Of Mere Being"    
pg. 718-727 
William Carlos Williams: "Danse Russe"  "This is Just to Say"  "The Red Wheelbarrow" pg. 728-729
Marianne Moore: "Poetry"  "The Fish"  pg. 760-764

Continue to work on your first “choice” poem from page 1 of the packet and turn it in since it is due today.  Those of you who have turned in your first poem should look through the packet and find a 2nd prompt assignment that you like and begin working on that.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Screenplay Treatment and Scene/End of Marking Period


Continue working on your screenplay treatment and scene.  If you finish, turn it in.
Maintain a quiet writing environment for the class periods.
Next week is the end of the marking period!

HOMEWORK  (you can begin this in class if you finish and turn in your screenplay and scene)

Finish reading A Streetcar Named Desire for homework.