Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Transmedia Projects


Continue work on transmedia projects. Post what you are now working on.

Check out this website for more ideas and examples;





Project ideas:
Original Content. Your project must include an original work such as a poem, short story, nonfiction article, comic, or other original prose. This work can be displayed as a PDF file, web page, or in another format of your choice.
Media Elements. Your project must include at least TWO of the following media elements:
  • Images. Drawings, scanned artifacts, maps, diagrams, graphs, charts, photographs, symbols, organizers, scanned artwork, satellite images, X-rays, comics
  • Audio. Famous speeches, story dialog, music, background sounds, sound effects, narration
  • Animation. Moving images, slide shows
  • Video. Interviews, stories, documentary, historical videos, content videos,
  • Website Materials. Databases, quality websites... not "Google searches"... instead specific pages with specific content.
Your project SHOULD contain:
  • Participatory elements where readers are engaged in some nonlinear activities (not just read from beginning to end)
  • An engaging storytelling environment where readers are draw into the world you've established
  • A cohesive set of materials that promote synergy (more than could be accomplished through a single medium)
  • A planned environment for exploration so readers are likely to be able to complete the experience
Your project MAY contain:
  • Gaming aspects (i.e., build the story around a game-type environment where readers take on roles or solve problems)
  • Inquiry elements (i.e., design an environment that involves questioning, exploration, assimiliation, inference, and reflection)
  • Mystery elements (i.e., build in clues that can be found using website materials that you use or create)
  • Problem solving elements (i.e., incorporate math problems to solve, science experiments to try)
  • Social aspects (i.e., create a ning where fans can share ideas about your transmedia experience, participants add characters or chapters to your book, choose your own adventure with a wiki)
  • Online Fictional elements (i.e., create a fictional toy company website, create a fictional blog with content readers use, invent a Facebook profile for a character in your story, create a photo set in Flickr designed by a fictional character)
  • Website use (i.e., go to the NASA website to find the name of the rocket that launched in March 1965 to help solve a mystery, use Google Maps to check the distance between two locations, use AllRecipesto find the ingredients in a recipe)
How it might look:
  • Animal Poetry with transmedia elements: photographs and drawings of animal tracks, animal track website... identifying the mystery animal.
  • Family Diary Transcription with transmedia elements: historical photos from the family, video interviews with family members... telling a family story.
  • Mystery Short Story with transmedia elements: artwork from the National Gallery of Art website, audio dialog and storytelling using Voki... solve an art mystery.
  • Travel Adventure Story Game with transmedia elements: Flickr photos posted by fictional characterand Google Earth... where in the world is Uncle Sylvester?
  • An Army of Dolphins Comic with transmedia elements: comic life and photos, military websites... what's the true world role of marine life such as dolphins and sea lions in the military?


  1. I'm working on diary entries for Element.

  2. I'm working on the Trailer for Element

  3. Currently working on the Instagram for the main character of our story, in order to present more information and some background on her as a person. Along with the Instagram, I am working on the diary of the main character as well, in order to get deeper into the character and how she feels.

  4. I'm working on creating merch for The Overseer.

  5. I'm working on birth certificates for The Overseer

  6. I worked on developing the soundtrack and writing the reasons why I chose the songs.

  7. Jesziah- worked on developing the alphabet of the world created

  8. Victoria- character design (The Overseer)

  9. Turon- Map of created world, timeline of events, character designs w/ Kordae, Song writing w/ Javant

  10. i am working on a sketch of another page of the fashion magazine

  11. Kordae- character design and description
