Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Carver Story


Write a 500-1000 word story in the Carver style:

3rd person Objective (Dramatic)

 “leaving room for the readers, at least for the ones who like to use their imaginations.”

 Minimal amount of words in a sentences: simple 

No use of adverbs, extended metaphors, or internal monologue 

Characters are average people, face common day to day problems 

Iceberg Model - Minimalist’s technique/ minimalist implication - the tip of the iceberg is the text, the actual narration, but the tension lies beneath; in Carver's words: 'just below the surface of things' - see only little bit of what he’s trying to convey in the story. 

Characteristics - Meaning is never directly given, reader interprets it through the context  

Reader is always involved, meant to choose sides based on hints within the story 

 Writing was meant for writers and sophisticated readers.

Raymond Carver’s Popular Mechanics uses a minimalist style, with short, simple sentences, very little detail and very little insight into why his characters do what they are doing. And yet, we do get a sense of the characters’ motivations and the story can still provoke an emotional response

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