Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Poetry Workshop #1


Period 7---Continue work on poetry collection

Poetry postcards--click on link at right of blog posts--design a poetry postcard in Photoshop or Paint

Period 8---Workshop #1--whole class


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  2. What I Carry (LeSana Ross)

    What I carry is mine
    But it could also be yours,

    She says at first exited
    But not for long

    In a way we share what's in this bag
    My bag of secrets.

    I never show what’s in my bag
    She tells him.

    His cinnamon eyes glimmer
    But his fangs shine brighter

    Her cinnamon eyes mirror his
    Her fearful smile too

    What is it? Not to rush,
    But my mom and dad are waiting.

    She says, I’m sorry,
    But it's not what you think

    Her eyes no longer glimmer from excitement
    But glimmer from fearful tears.

    I’m your sister and we don’t have the same mother.
    He isn’t your real father.
