Monday, November 7, 2016

Election Day/HINT FICTION/100 Word Story


Craft of Fiction


hint fiction:

Check out the contest winners.

Write 3 hint fictions.  SHARE.

100 word Stories:

Check out web site.

Write a 100 word story.


  1. Guidance
    A married woman living with a single husband and an innocent child that suffers it all. The child visits a church that was recently made a few blocks away from home.

    I sit down laughing with my husband on our wedding day, but he tells me that all the people that have attended, are from the future.

    From Darkness to Light
    I’ve been scared of the dark all of my life. I have never seen light, but the house caught fire, and the only way out was light.

    “Just leave me alone.” I tried to push away as the man’s shadow came closer.

  2. 1. As I step off the bus, I look around me to see that everything isn’t the same anymore.

    2. When everyone surrounded the mother, they gasped in horror as they looked at the new-born.

    3. Everyone told her that something was going to happen to her but she didn’t believe them.

  3. 1.As the young female walked down the narrow avenue,a car came zooming by and ran the poor girl over,she wouldnt walk ever again.

    2.No one knew what had happened to old man jenkins,for he had randomly disappeared to never be seen again.Apparently,the man had died.

    3.The shadow appeared behind her,and before she could even let out a single yelp,he swallowed her whole and she was never heard of again.

  4. Drown
    The water wrapped around me like a hungry squid and dragged me down under. My boat floated above me, family screaming for me to stay safe.

    They Do
    The bride leaned in for a kiss with her eyes closed, ready to seal her fate. Until she heard a voice call out “I object!”

    Face Off
    A large, black bear stood before me with its fangs bared, growling. I took a step back and drew my knife, ready for a fight.

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  7. The air is cold and everything is white; this feeling causes a childhood memory to find it’s way to your third eye. It was an early winter and the plows had moved all the snow to the front yards of everyone’s homes. All warmth of childhood bliss and naiveness has left this memory. Now, you can only remember the shiver that traced your spine once you reached the top of the snow pile; the fear that found you, the moment you noticed the snow under your feet had begun to sink- in a foreign form, that fear has found you again.

    Looking back, he’d wish he had told him earlier. Although when he remember the nausea he felt moments before he said those words, he thinks otherwise.

    In the room at the end at the hall, they created a family. The acceptance they always dreamed off, had finally found them.

    She picked at her nails. Scratched at the beds. Soap could wash the blood, but never the guilt.

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  9. Micro Fiction

    She crouched in the corner,covering her mouth careful not to let a single word,scream,yelp or even breath out.The shadow swiftly ran corner to corner,looking for the young girl.She was tonight’s dinner.The room was dark,you could see the reflection of light coming from the window.Tears streamed down her cheeks.A lot ran through her mind at this moment.This could go either way.She could sense him coming.He could smell her delicious coconut scent.The room suddenly became quiet,you could no longer hear her breathe,he had swallowed her whole

    Hint Fiction

    1.As the young female walked down the narrow avenue,a car came zooming by and ran the poor girl over,she wouldn't walk ever again.

    2.No one knew what had happened to old man jenkins,for he had randomly disappeared to never be seen again.Apparently,the man had died.

    3.The shadow appeared behind her,and before she could even let out a single yelp,he swallowed her whole and she was never heard of again.

  10. Secret

    She held the paper in her hand, it soon would spark something that she could no longer contain, it was now or never.


    Smile they told him, it was going in the yearbook, and it was his last picture before
    graduated from a school he didn’t care about.


    “Don’t be afraid of the thunder it’s not dangerous, just loud.” They would tell me. Only if they knew what thunder really meant to me.

  11. Micro Fiction
    This time it was dogs chasing me to a cliff and forcing me to plummet to my death on the rocks below. The other night it was drowning. Now, I do not enjoy dogs, or water. Last month it was enclosed spaces. Now I refuse to step in an area that is crowded with other human beings. So I drift in the back. The dreams, so real. Yet stuck in my imagination. No one seems to understand, instead they plaster me with names. “Loser, weirdo, abnormal.” I embrace them. Somehow, those names stick as my own. They define me. Those words… are me.

  12. Self esteem (100 word fiction)

    As I watched the clock, I prayed for it to go slower. Any minute from now, it’ll be time for me to go on stage. I don’t know why I became shy all of a sudden. I’ve done this like a thousand times and it always comes natural to me. Maybe it’s because this time, I’ll be delivering a speech to the president of the United States. The teacher picked me out of the whole school because she thought I as the most experienced and I wouldn’t get scared. She was right. So I reminded myself to pretend like it was any other time and to show the man who runs the country how confident I am and that this is one of the things I’m really good at.
