Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Enchanted (cont.)/ Choreography presentations


Finish reading book for Tuesday, Nov. 29

Think, pair, share and POST:

5. What draws the lady and the priest to one another? Why do you think each chose the career they pursued? How do their callings sustain them emotionally? Are they good at what they do --- even if the priest is himself fallen from grace?
6. What has being locked inside done to the narrator --- and for him? What about some of the other prisoners he watches? Do you believe in rehabilitation? Do you think our prison system today encourages rehabilitation? Is there something else we can do besides imprison those who commit crimes?
7. One of the Ten Commandments is “thou shalt not kill.” Isn’t executing someone --- even someone who committed a heinous crime such as taking another’s life --- going against morality? Why is the death penalty still used in the United States compared to most other modern democracies?
8. Do you believe that we are products of our circumstances? How much can free will mitigate terrible damage that inflicted in a person’s youth, when he or she is most vulnerable and impressionable? Why do people do such terrible things to each other and to innocent children? “There is too much pain in the world, that’s the problem,” the lady tells the priest. What causes so much of the world’s pain and can we, both individually and as a society, do to help alleviate this suffering? How much responsibility do we carry for our fellow men and women?
Presentation of Found POEMS CHOREOGRAPHY


  1. I found this and figured I'd comment it here in case anyone was interested.

    Have we ever thought about having a stream for all the creative writing students to communicate through? We could send work to proof read for each other and post various articles/links etc for one another. It'd be a cool way to bring the grades together.

    1. http://thewritepractice.com/members/writing-contest/winter-16/

      A contest people may be interested in.

  2. 5. "York's trial defense attorneys :two dump trucks widely known as Grim and Reaper for their ability to get their clients killed" (Denfeld 21). This shows that York is going to be sentenced to death. The lady would like to work with York because " She has been a death penalty investigator for eight years" (22). This means that it was meant for York to meet this woman, so that she can help him to be sentenced to death because ones someone is sentenced to death, it is hard to get out of there. She has only taken one or two cases at a time. The cases that she does, she knows that most of her cases, the people are desperate to live and not to be sentenced for life. York is different because he has given up on his life.
    6. "When they built this enchanted place, they killed men in three ways: They waited for them to die, they worked them to death, and they hanged them." (Denfeld 37). This shows that this was where the narrator was locked inside of. There are different ways of men to die, like ropes, bullets, hot electric nodes, frying chair, cool milky tubes and etc. Every man in there knows what the clacking of the wheels means, because it means that the corpse valets are coming, whom are the ones to decide whose the next for rehabilitation. The men feel sadness and fear. There are rehabilitation in Rochester. Rehabilitation is the re-integration into society of a convicted person and the main objective of modern penal policy, to counter habitual offending, also known as criminal recidivism. There are other things that we can do to prevent criminals instead of prison, but the thing is that many people will not stop committing crimes if we give them an easy penalty. I think that we should do tougher things to criminals so that they learn to not do those horrible things again. I don't believe in sentencing someone to death, because I wouldn't like anyone to die, but I the suffering that they caused another person or family, they should feel it. They should not die.
    7. I do believe that executing someone is taking someones life, and I would not like our country to follow that. Many criminals don't care if they lose their life, because they know that they have already have done something horrible and deserve to. They should be done the same thing that they did or be given a horrible punishment, that does not lead to death, only the suffering and regret that their victim went through. Each state decides for their own rights. Some states accept the execution of prisoners and other don't.
    8. I do believe that we are products of our circumstances and that's because our past defines who we are. We all have been through horrible situations in life and our today reflects that. Some of us become wise in choosing certain things in life, others are afraid in certain areas, many are filled with anger and the only way they seem to get rid of it is by letting it go out on others. Free will can give person wisdom of knowing to protect others form not going through that situation. Many people that are n jail is because of past situations form their childhood. Many men rape or do worse things because they have been raped when they were children. I think that they should go for help because there are lots of community agencies that offer help. Most of the world's pain come form humanity. They do many things and don't think of their actions before doing them. Society should get together and try to have more wisdom about life and the world to help, benefit, and protect others. With the example of others, all the world can become good and peaceful, but there always one person, who doesn't want to let go of grief.

  3. Question 5: They feel that they will be able to cause happiness and possibly help them, which to them can be their fate.

    Question 6: I believe that our prison personally doesn't encourage rehabilitation. The society it self is quite selfish and tries to get rid of anything that could ruin them.

    Question 7: Though they committed an unforgivable crime, humanity is still not allowed to take another life. It's still a form of killing whether it was justified or not.

    Question 8: How we grow up is how the rest of our lives are impacted. What goes on in our youth, we are taught that it is something normal and okay to do.
