Thursday, September 13, 2018

THUG/Quiz/Writing Assignment


1. Morning Reflection: Madison

2. Quiz: THUG vocabulary on
THUG Multiple choice--handout

3. Work on character questionnaires, develop a protagonist, choose a theme for your story

4. Begin work on story assignment.  On a Google doc, write a character description of your protagonist and indicate what theme you will be exploring in your story.  Put this in the classroom folder marked THUG assignment.
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme. Select any of the themes in the key below to highlight it in the Theme Wheel.  Use the theme wheel to support your reading and writing.
Racism and Police Brutality  Theme Icon
Racism and Police Brutality
Dueling Identities and Double Consciousness  Theme Icon
Dueling Identities and Double Consciousness
The Power of Language Theme Icon
The Power of Language
Community and Loyalty Theme Icon
Community and Loyalty
The Cycle of Poverty and Crime Theme Icon
The Cycle of Poverty and Crime

Self Check

Ask yourself these questions when trying to understand characterization:
  • What does the character look like?
  • How does the character behave towards others? How do others behave toward the character?
  • What does the character seem to care about?
  • What adjectives does the author use to describe the character's personality?
  • What does the character think or say?

5. Read More on characterization:

HMWK: Study vocab. Ch. 11-15
READ CH. 11-15 (Part One)



  2. While I was watching it I did not find it interesting I never really played with a yoyo when I was younger so I didn't find it interesting I found it boring

  3. When I watched the video, I did not find it interesting. It was cool how she was doing the tricks with the yoyo but It's not something I would find myself doing or watching.

  4. Even though I don't do yo yoing the video was very interesting. Tessa was very good at yo yoing and I can tell she practiced for a long time. Practicing something, especially something you love, can be very good for you. Tessa practiced for a long time to become good so she can entertain people. The video was entertaining and relaxing and I enjoyed it. Something as simple as playing with a yo yo can become something so complex with the right practice

  5. The video was interesting. Usually when you see someone playing with a yoyo they just moving it up and down not doing mad tricks and being so focused on it. She matched the vibe of the music and it's harmony which I thought was very impressive because it reminded me of dancing but, she just using the yoyo as a dancer.

  6. First of I didn't even know that there was a yo-yo contest, it was cool, but I was really into it as much as I wanted to be. Her 'tricks' were cool and fast I don't even know how she did it like that. I wonder how long she had been doing that. i also wonder if those tricks had any names to it. why is there a gender division like the yo-yo is the main subject not if the person is boy or girl.

  7. The video made me recall a lot of times when I was little where I'd always try and yoyo. I used to get so frustrated at times and break my yoyo. It's very shocking to watch others be so talented at things like that. How long must have it took her to learn all those tricks? I have the shortest patience and would never be able to take the time to learn to do so. Why did they separate the genders in a yoyo contest? That makes no sense.

  8. Well, I didn't know that there was a world competition for the yo-yo. I hope that woman has a day job though. It would really boggle my mind if people could get paid for doing yo-yo tricks. I've dabbled in the yo-yo myself a few times, but I can barely make it drop down and then bring it back up again. I wonder if people choreograph these yo-yo routines as intensely as dancers do. Practice makes perfect and people have all kinds of different skills.

  9. I remember playing with yoyo's when I was younger. One of the first ones my mom got for me for only god knows what reason I remember staring at the multi rainbow colored string the light up circle flashing around until I lost it not even a couple days later.

  10. This video has me believe in yoyos. While watching the video, I was thinking of the time and sweat she spent on her yoyo tricks. It probably took years and years of yoyo-ing to get to this level, a pro. And also, if you know any tricks, can you show some tricks in the class, Madison? I would love to watch a pro yoyo with my own eyes. Thanks :)

  11. I found it interesting that people can be talented with anything and that competitions for that kind of stuff is a thing. I never really played with one when I was younger but if that's what someone likes to do than that's fun for them.

  12. I actually like yoyo's I just get annoyed when cant roll it up. I enjoyed the video the girl that performed was good too. I play with yoyos a'lot i'm just not as good as her. I can only roll it up she can spin twirl etc. id watch move videos of her or anybody else playing with yoyos because they interesting.

  13. This video was weird. Um see was really good at what she was doing very artistic. I personally wouldn't like doing that myself. I think that competition is creative to do when you bored or something.

  14. I think it takes so much dedication and practice to get to the kind of level where she was at. Also, the fact that she won the international competition is really wild since it was the whole world. There is a whole community of yo-yoers out there since it is a re-vitalized hobby/passion. She won the women's division which brings up the question of why there is a separation between the genders in something that doesn't really need to be seperated

  15. Although it wasn't a thought provoking video, I found it to be quite refreshing from what we usually watch. The tricks were interesting to look at and I thought the performance was pretty impressive. As a kid, I was never good with a yo-yo and would always try out the tricks that I saw other people doing. I wasn't successful most of the time, the only trick I was successful at was the walking dog trick. I just so happened to be seven years old when I learned it.

  16. Watching this video I developed many thoughts. One of the thought that popped up in my head during the very beginning of the video was what the freak are we watching, and why is it about a yo yo. Then after I realized the purpose of us watching it, or at least the moral that I picked up from the video. I realized that even a barley relevant toy such as the yo yo can be taken to new heights if you are willing to experiment, and take chances.Also if you are dedicated to whatever it is that you are doing you an master it, and perfect your skill in it. And even then you can push farther. No matter how cheesy it sounds, practice makes perfect and you can improve on anything, and it will last you your whole life.

  17. Wow! It is weird to think that there is a world wide yo-yo competition. Putting together a routine must have taken so much practice and repetition to be able to get it to the place where she could perform it with confidence. I think yo-yoing is a skill that you gain by enormous amounts of practice and persistence so while it may seem like a waste of time, it is actually exercising important life skills.

  18. The choice of the video was an very interest choice. I was very amazed with this girls extreme Yo-Yo skills. It reminded of when I was younger and got my first Yo-Yo. Obviously it wasn't as cool or probably as expensive as her but it was one. I was excited to learn new tricks and do very cool things. The fact that there is a Yo-Yo competition is pretty cool. It shows that as you practice at anything you can get better. But again as Madison said in class they separate the boys and girls. So yes, in something as crazy like a Yo-Yo competition there are certain things that seem a little unfair and maybe simpler for the females. But for me this video was quite interesting, I might have to back out my Y-Yo.

  19. I liked the video because of how the music matched with what the girl was doing with the yo yo. This is cool because not a lot of people know how to do those type of tricks with a yo yo. I like yo yos because they are interesting and hard to use. It probably takes a long time for the person to learn how to use the yo yo.
